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Foliage in Oasi Zegna

The fall foliage in Oasi Zegna, together with the blossoming of the rhododendrons in early summer, is the most fascinating sight that visitors could wish for

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The fall foliage in Oasi Zegna, together with the blossoming of the rhododendrons in early summer, is the most fascinating sight that visitors could wish for. A sort of autumnal rainbow that scatters its most romantic colors on the winding paths. This magic can also be seen, in Oasi Zegna, by participating in numerous organized events or by simply taking a walk on your own, and maybe stopping on the way to try some local cuisine in the various facilities in this nature park in Trivero Valdilana. Guided tours, dog trekking and local food festivals spice up the autumn in Bosco del Sorriso, Brughiera, Castagnea di Portula and other nature site in the Biella Alps.

Bosco del Sorriso: on 5-6, 12-13 and 19-20 October, three weekends of walking in Bielmonte in the company of local guides who are also nature experts. Not ordinary walks though, but a whole new experience in the Bosco del Sorriso (Forest of Smiles) in Valsessera, with its bewitching birches, firs, beeches and larches, but also its beautiful panoramas. The tours last around two hours and are suitable for adults and kids alike, and four-legged friends are welcome too. Meeting up point: Bocchetto Sessera – Bielmonte. Times: 10.30 and 14.30.
Info: +39.015.0990725 - 349 6252576 - Overalp@overalp.com

Brughiera: on 26-27 October, 2-3 and 9-10 November, three weekends in Trivero Valdilana for guided hikes on routes (suitable for everyone) through the centuries old woods, particularly rich in sweet chestnuts, whose autumn palette features warming tones of yellow, orange and brown. At the end of the hikes there will be time to visit the Santuario mariano Nostra Signora della Brughiera (15th and 17th centuries), one of the most important sanctuaries in Piemonte.
Meeting up point: Ristorante Il Castagneto (Trivero Valdilana) Times: 10.30 and 14.30. Info: +39.015.0990725 - 349 6252576 - Overalp@overalp.com

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