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Supermoon: on 9 March the biggest moon of the year

For the occasion, a nighttime snowshoe hike in the woods of Oasi Zegna

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Full but also bigger than usual and closer. This was how the moon looked on February 2020, date of the first Supermoon of the year. A phenomenon that’s now occurring again after just under a month. 

A supermoon (term first used in 1979 by the astrologer Richard Nolle) is when a full moon is at its perigee, i.e. at its closest to the earth in its elliptical orbit. On 9 February our satellite was a “mere” 368,086 kilometers from Earth, as opposed to an average of 384,403 kilometers. This is why the moon seemed larger, a veritable beacon in the night sky. And not only on 9 February: in March too, as we said, the Supermoon phenomenon will be happening again. Around the 9th, the satellite will be even closer - at 363,972 kilometers - and could look up to 7% bigger than an ordinary full moon. Oasi Zegna is getting ready for the spectacle and there will be a nighttime snowshoe hike on 7 March organized by Amici del Fondo. 

The hike starts at Bocchetto Sessera and ends at the stone huts at Artignaga, one of the most beautiful alpine grazing grounds in the Upper Valsessera, also on account of the stone dwellings called tegge. This is around 90 minutes walking in which to admire the bewitching moon at the height of its splendor and immerse oneself in the silence of the woods by night, broken only by the crunching of snow underfoot.

: meet up at Bocchetto Sessera, by the cross-country ski hire facility, at 17.30. Start at 18.00, back by 21.30. Bookings: 328 9345001 or 339 7628696 with WhatsApp. Cost of excursion: 6 € + 6 € for snowshoe hire.

At the end of the excursion, have dinner at Locanda Sessera to finish the evening in style with polenta concia, other products of Oasi Zegna and splendid home cooking by Teresa (info and booking: 015.744115). Info: Amici del Fondo 360.672583. Or maybe decide to spend a whole weekend in Oasi Zegna and stay at Albergo Bucaneve, where you can also enjoy their in-house SPA.

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